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Hosting Your First Christmas Dinner Party

You are so proud of your new York County home, you want to show it off to your family and friends. So, you’ve taken the bull by the horns and invited them to Christmas dinner. Now you’re afraid you may have taken on somewhat more than you can handle. Don’t push the panic button yet. You can do it with some tips from people who have been there.


First of all, don’t try to do it all yourself. People want to help, and they’ll be sincere when they offer. Make a list of tasks you can delegate, and those you have to do yourself. When someone calls to offer help, look at your list and assign the task most suited to that person. This will free up some of your time, so your guests and you can enjoy each other’s company. You won’t be too busy (or exhausted) to prevent that enjoyment.


Simple fare, cooked properly will taste better than a gourmet meal that is poorly done. Save the bells and whistles cooking for a smaller group. When you plan your menu, be sure to have some items that can be prepared a day or two early, so you aren’t trying to do everything at once. Again, this will leave more time for you to spend with your guests.


Remember that your guests are coming to visit you. They really don’t care if every piece of china on the table matches, or if you have hand-painted place cards. If your collection of dinnerware is on the eclectic side, place it as attractively as you can, and try to bring the whole thing together with a common color in the linens or placemats. Once they taste the delicious meal you’ve prepared, they won’t notice anything else, anyway.

Be prepared for unexpected delays in the kitchen. Have lots of snack foods on hand for “cocktail” hour, and keep the beverages (everything from water, to soda, to “adult” beverages) flowing. Then you won’t have to feel apologetic for making people wait to eat. While you’re at it, be sure to stock the “necessary” room with plenty of paper supplies, hand soap, towels and other sundries. This will save the embarrassment of having to ask or be asked for them. A nice can of air freshener should be in an easily noticed and reachable location.


Finally, remember it’s a party. Relax and enjoy your guests. Stock up on dishcloths or paper towels that might be needed to sponge up any spills. Accidents will happen. Keep your sense of humor at the ready. This will make your guests feel at home, and boost your status as a great host(ess) in their books. It will also supply you with memories and stories for future parties!


Let us know if you’re interested in listing or buying a home in the York County area, and we’ll be ready to help. The Jim Powers Team of local Realtors® is here for you from start to end. Visit our website to learn more, then contact us or give us a call at 717- 417- 4111.


Merry Christmas!

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